English Language & Culture Ⅰ
English Language & Culture Ⅰ
English Language & Culture Ⅰ
言語と文化 Ⅰ
This course is designed for students at Intermediate II level who wish to deepen their knowledge of English and English-speaking culture. Students will learn about the specifics of the English language, as well as the different events, social groups and populations that have influenced English-speaking culture. Various themes will be covered: the origins of the English language and the linguistic and cultural particularities of English-speaking countries, including political, economic and social realities and major artistic trends. In addition to improving their reading and listening skills, students will deepen their oral and written production skills. At the end of the course, students will be able to clearly express their knowledge of the English language and culture through essays and oral presentations.
- English certificate - Certificate in English and French: the Montreal experience - Undergraduate concentration in English Major in English and Anglophone Culture - Major in Modern Languages and Cultures - Undergraduate microprogram in English