Business communication
Business communication
Business communication
BUS 110 Business Communications Welcome Welcome to Business Communications Communication is not just through writing or speaking; we will explore the unspoken cues of communication in relationship to culture, as well as the traditional communication methods. Regardless of your current skill level, you will receive valuable information to improve your communication skills to help you obtain the next level in your career. Learning intercultural communication and developing specific writing and speaking skills will improve your marketability for today’s fast-paced, competitive economic climate. Course Information Quarter: Spring 2023 Modality: Hybrid - Classroom and Online Time: Thursday, 12:20pm - 2:20pm Location: Olympus Hall (OLY), Room #125 Instructor Information Instructors: Shannon Affholter and Kathryn Johnson Email: Canvas Inbox Office Hours: Schedule Appointment Course Description Study of business communication principles within the global workplace. Includes effectively presenting good, neutral, and bad news, direct and persuasive requests, and spoken presentations to diverse audiences. Also includes listening skills and interpreting nonverbal communication within varying cultures. Course Learning Objectives and Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Compose effective direct, negative news, persuasive, sales, and goodwill messages. Demonstrate through written assignments principles of concreteness, courtesy, conciseness, consideration, clarity, and completeness. Practice written and oral communication with diverse populations. Discuss multicultural ethics, including ethics abroad, bribery, and prevailing customs. Explain the relationship between ethnocentrism, tolerance, and stereotypes in achieving multicultural sensitivity. Discuss significant trends related to the increasing importance of multicultural communication. Use correct format and style when composing letters, memos, and reports for the global workplace. Demonstrate through class projects how to become an effective team listener. Research ethics in the global business environment. Identify the elements of the communication process when tested. Complete assignments given to refine technical skills required—punctuation, spelling, grammar, word usage, and parallel construction. Create a résumé and cover letter that may be used in the job search. Present an oral presentation and written report which focuses on specific diversity issues about doing business in another country. Participate as an effective team member in a diverse group to democratically solve problems and work together to deliver information. Business ATA and DTA Program Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate critical thinking, analytical, and quantitative skills in making decisions and completing assignments independently and/or as a dependable team member. Apply appropriate technology to input, manage, and interpret business information. Demonstrate the ability to effectively plan and to communicate orally and in writing using multiple expressive modes. Describe the multiple contexts of business—social, cultural, economic, and/or legal—within a global environment and with commitment to community. EvCC Core Learning Outcomes: Core Learning Outcome #1: Introduced: Engage and take responsibility as active learners. Core Learning Outcome #2: Introduced: Think critically Core Learning Outcome #3: Assessed: Communicate effectively. Assessed by evaluating students’ ability to write specific forms of business communication (i.e., good news and bad newsletters, culture project). Evaluation requires the use of a rubric grading scale; a minimum average of 70 percent is required. Core Learning Outcome #4: Assessed: Participate in diverse environments. Students work in small teams to complete a Culture Project. Each student completes a personal reflection statement and peer evaluation regarding their experience and process while working in the project team. These documents are required and must be completed at 70 percent or better to pass the class. The documents contain quantitative data and qualitative comments. Books and Materials Required: Essentials of Business Communication: 11th Edition with MindTap, Guffey/Loewy 2020 Cengage. ISBN: 9780357323441 Cost is $50.00 through the EvCC bookstore. This purchase is optional. Please see the explanation below in the note. Additional Required Materials: Personal computer with Internet access and MS Word software. In addition, student will regularly back up computer files on an external hard drive, USB drive, and the Cloud. A video recording device with a microphone is needed for video assignments; you may use a web cam, cell phone video, or other video camera. NOTE: All students have access to the eBook and publisher Learning Materials on the first day of class. When you registered to take this course, you were automatically assessed a fee (approximately $65) for the eBook and access to the publisher materials that you must pay at the cashier’s office along with your tuition if you have not already done so. No additional book or code fee is needed! First Day Access is a partnership between Everett Community College and the textbook publisher to provide students access to the adaptive online resources and the latest version of the eBook at a discount on the first day of class located directly in Canvas. If students want to receive a physical copy of the textbook in addition to the e-book already provided via First Day Access, they can pick-up a discounted loose-leaf version (for an additional fee) at the bookstore or contact the publisher to have the loose-leaf shipped to them. Students who drop the class on or before the tenth calendar day (Fall, Winter, Spring) or eighth calendar day (Summer) will have their charge reversed. If students desire to opt out of this discount materials option, they need to go to the Course Materials link on the course navigation menu in Canvas and find the course to opt out, which will require students to buy the book and code on their own to ensure access to the learning and not miss the specified due dates for graded items. Please be aware if students choose to opt out, the price they will pay to purchase access to these needed materials directly from the publisher will be higher than the fee EvCC assessed when students register for the course. If you have any questions about the assessed fee email firstdayaccess@everettcc.edu. Access to Technology The Library Media Center loans Chromebooks, netbooks, WIFI hotspots, and calculators to currently enrolled students. Contact the Circulation Desk for availability and check-out procedures: circulation@everettcc.edu. See the Technology ResourcesLinks to an external site. page for how to access free versions of Microsoft Office 365 and for discounts on other hardware and software. Communication and Feedback with Your Instructor Learning different forms of communication may be difficult for some in the online environment, but the experience doesn’t have to be a lonely struggle. My goal is to help you become a better communicator for the business world. Connect with me through my Canvas Inbox or before and after class. Guidelines and Expectations Classroom Etiquette The discussion forums and e-mail will give you an excellent opportunity to practice professionalism and courtesy in the workplace. Take time to add enough language to provide an appropriate professional tone and be sure to include positive affirmations such as please, thank-you, etc. in your classroom messages. Please always treat your classmates and instructor with respect. When you write messages, please avoid text and instant messaging abbreviations. It is much more professional and appropriate for a college-level class to use full sentences with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This standard also keeps us all on the same level during class-related communications. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. Attendance and Participation Students are expected to attend class regularly! We are in the classroom this quarter, so we can help each other out and learn some new ways to communicate throughout the quarter. Assignments Writing assignments are used weekly to assess students’ learning of the conventions and proper mechanics of writing business messages. Online chapter quizzes evaluate students’ understanding of the main concepts. A group project is incorporated to assess the student’s ability to work in a diverse environment while applying business communication techniques. Evaluation and Grading Writing Exercises: A variety of assignments will be provided to meet the objectives listed. The course covers one to two chapters per week from the textbook. The assignments are listed in the weekly schedule in Canvas. Writing assignments include preliminary writing exercises, Direct Requests, Good News Messages, Bad News Messages, Persuasive Requests, Resume/Cover Letter, and a business report. All written assignments must be prepared in appropriately typed business format. Samples of business format are in the text and in MindTap. Additionally, you will find a module that contains Model Documents, which you should explore and use to help create assignments that are accurate and professional. Discussions: Weekly modules include small- and large-group discussions for various textbook chapter topics, information sharing, and team projects. Please refer to the weekly modules for specific due dates. You will be required to post your main post by Friday each week, followed by replies on Friday - Sunday. This creates a better discussion dynamic rather than all posts and replies coming in simultaneously on Sundays. Please note, only one due date can be posted, which will show Fridays, and your initial post must be received by Friday, which allows time for replies on Friday - Sunday. Each person can have a great impact on the online discussions by posting on time and providing quality content! Aplia (MindTap) Assignments: You will take your chapter assignments through Canvas using MindTap and receive immediate feedback on your work. MindTap is required for completing assignments that complement the text. It is best to read the chapter before completing the MindTap homework and writing assignments. Three attempts per Aplia assignment are available so that you may improve your score while increasing your knowledge. Culture Project Presentation: The Culture Project directions are provided in a weekly module. Each student is required to present how to do business in a foreign country using the guidelines provided in Canvas. Discussion boards, PowerPoint slide, and a video presentation are the graded activities. A reflection paper and peer evaluation complete the required project assignments. Video Assignments: Each student uses online technology to create videos for communication and business purposes. Three speeches are prepared and delivered in the following progression: Introduction, Training, and Elevator Speech videos. A fourth video presentation is available for extra credit. The Job Forecast presentation is an opportunity to make up a previously missed video assignment. Final Exam: A final assessment of the student’s learning and writing skills are completed through a final exam, which is delivered during Finals Week. Tracking Grades: Your instructor will use the grades posted in the Canvas gradebook for calculating quarter grades. Please form the habit of checking grades in Canvas weekly to make sure all have been posted correctly. Please check your grade regularly and contact your instructor(s) if you notice any discrepancies or missing grades. You will also find feedback in the form of grade rubrics and comments by using the Canvas gradebook. Your instructor uses the annotations feature to give personalized feedback for writing assignments; you can learn about viewing annotations via this pageLinks to an external site.. Grading Scale In order for the grade to apply toward a certificate or degree, the overall grade must be a C or higher. The overall grade is rounded up if it is to the student’s advantage to earn a passing grade or move up a letter grade. Percentage to Letter Grade Percentage to Letter Grade Percentage to Letter Grade 100% - 95% = A 94% - 90% = A- 89% - 87% = B+ 86% - 83% = B 82% - 80% = B- 79% - 77% = C+ 76% - 70% = C 69% - 67% = C- 66% - 60% = D < 59% = F On-Time Work Online technology makes it convenient for you to organize your week for a good work/life balance and submit work on time and avoid missing due dates caused by illness or any other problem. Make use of the assignment submission links in Canvas to get assignments submitted on-time. Academic Integrity – Cheating and Plagiarism Be aware of plagiarism laws and protect yourself by quoting and citing your resources—give credit to the original sources and be careful to label your opinions or summaries. Any use of someone else’s work with the intent to submit it as your own will result in a failing grade for that assignment and possible failure of the course; this includes copying content from the Internet. While collaboration is encouraged, the written work that is submitted should be authored by individual students. As part of an academic community, EvCC students are expected to adhere to academic honesty and avoid occurrences of plagiarism. Accidental or intentional use of someone else’s work, ideas, research, or writing without attribution of the source may result in a failing grade on the assignment or a failing grade in the course. This decision will be dependent on the nature and extent of the use. Any incidents of this type will be reported to the Dean of Student Development as a violation of the Student Conduct Code, which is described in the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbookLinks to an external site.. The Writing Center’s Avoiding PlagiarismLinks to an external site. guide includes resources for understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Class Schedule The full schedule for this course is provided in the Canvas Modules. Important Dates Registration and payment dates, application and refund deadlines, the final examination schedule and all other information related to the academic year and each individual quarter is available on the college websiteLinks to an external site.. Flexibility Statement I have attempted to make this syllabus as comprehensive and accurate as possible, and I may occasionally need to make small adjustments during the quarter. I will announce any changes in class or notify you in writing and in Canvas. Support for Students Students are encouraged to read the Student Rights and Responsibilities HandbookLinks to an external site. to be aware of their full scope of rights. Here are a few policies and student support services that are useful for you to know. Academic Grievance Procedure If a student has evidence that they have been: Unfairly treated in matters related to grading, course policies or expectations; falsely accused of cheating; or inappropriately penalized for alleged cheating; they may be said to have an academic grievance. Students can approach any member of the campus community whom they trust for guidance on following the formal and informal academic grievance procedures.Links to an external site. Accessibility In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Policy,Links to an external site. EvCC is committed to ensuring that classes are accessible to all students, including those with visible and invisible disabilities. If at any point a student is not able to access the space, content, or experience of a course they should contact the Center for Disability ServicesLinks to an external site. (425-388-9272, or cds@everettcc.edu). Basic Needs It can be challenging to do your best in class if you have trouble meeting basic needs like safe shelter, sleep, or nutrition. EvCC’s food pantryLinks to an external site. is available by appointment. Student Emergency Assistance GrantsLinks