Whatcom Community College ESOL 093 Syllabus ADVANCED SPEAKING AND LISTENING Spring 2024 Faculty Class Name: Kirsten Lutes Section: 34828, 34829, 34830 Email: klutes@whatcom.edu Location: Kelly Hall Room 210 Office Phone: (360) 383-3792 (voicemail only) Day/Time: Tue/Thur, 12-12:50pm Office Location: Cascade Hall Room 149 Start date: April 2, 2024 Office hours: Thursdays 11am-12pm End date: June 14, 2024 Course Credit hours: 2 Prerequisites: None Co-requisite(s): None Recommended preparation: None Required preparation: permission of instructor. AAS degree requirements: Pre-College Course Fulfills additional requirements: None Textbooks: None required. Materials will be provided by instructor. Other resources: Access to a Computer Access to Canvas Access to MS Word Access to an English-English dictionary Course description: This course is designed to teach ESOL students the interpersonal communication skills necessary for active participation in college-level course group discussions, including techniques for leading group discussions. In addition, listening skills required to succeed in college lecture courses will be taught. Course outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, each student should be able to... Volunteer answers, giving comprehensible responses. Ask for clarification. Ask follow-up questions. Express opinions/ideas with reasons/details. Interrupt others appropriately. Rephrase information when others need clarification. Core learning abilities: WCC's core learning abilities (CLAs) - communicating, information literacy, quantitative reasoning, social justice, and thinking - are overarching skills that are taught and reinforced throughout our curriculum. These skills are integral to students' professional and personal lives. This course will give you the opportunity to practice and develop one or more of these core learning abilities. Course format Standard – This class meets in-person. The best way to reach me outside of class is by email or Canvas message. You can also attend my office hours or schedule an appointment to meet with me. Course requirements and policies Grading: This is a Pass/Fail class. Your grade will be an “S” (Satisfactory) or a “U” (Unsatisfactory) course. You must earn an average grade of 70% or higher. Your grade will be calculated as below. To earn participation points, you must be present in class, active, and willing to participate in all activities during the class. Participation 50% Attendance 50% Participation: To earn participation points, you must be active and willing to participate in all activities during the class. There may also be opportunities to be assessed by brief demonstrations and presentations of oral skills learned in the class. Attendance: Attendance is very important to your success in this course as it is half of your final grade. Attendance is taken within the first few minutes of class. If you are more than 5 minutes late to class, this will be counted as a “tardy”. Three “tardies” will equal one absence. If you must be absent due to an emergency or serious illness, send an email to your instructor explaining the situation. Do this before the class time. If you are absent more than 4 times in any session, you may not be able to pass the course. Late homework assignments: Late assignments may be accepted by arrangement. Student equipment check out Students can check out a laptop for the quarter using this device checkout formLinks to an external site.. Access and disability services: Any student with a disability requiring auxiliary aids, services, or other reasonable accommodations should contact the access and disability servicesLinks to an external site. office in academic advising and career services or call 360.383.3080 or 360.255.7182 (videophone) to make an appointment. Affirmation of inclusion: WCC is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the College community feels welcome to participate in the life of the College, free from harassment and discrimination. We welcome people of all races, ethnicity, national origins, religions, ages, genders, sexual orientations, marital status, veteran status, abilities, and disabilities. Toward that end, faculty, students and staff will treat one another with respect and dignity; promote a learning and working community that ensures social justice, understanding, civility and non-violence in a safe and supportive climate; and influence curriculum, teaching strategies, student services, and personnel practices that facilitate sensitivity and openness to diverse ideas, peoples and cultures in a creative, safe and collegial environment. Non-discrimination policy, Title IX, and sexual misconduct: WCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or age in its programs and activities. WCC's discrimination and harassment policy (615Links to an external site.) and the student rights and responsibilities policy (WAC 132U-125Links to an external site.) strictly prohibit sexual harassment, intimidation, and violence. Anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct is encouraged to contact a WCC counselor in academic advising and career servicesLinks to an external site. (Laidlaw 116, 360.383.3080) to receive confidential support and learn about reporting options. Any disclosure of such misconduct shared with another faculty or staff member is non-confidential and requires a report to WCC's Title IX coordinator, who has been designated to handle such reports. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination, Title IX, and sexual misconduct policies can be directed to the Title IX & ADA coordinator at 360.383.3049. Accommodations for reasons of faith or conscience: Students who will be absent from course activities due to reasons of faith or conscience may seek reasonable accommodations so grades are not affected. Such requests must be made to the instructor within the first two weeks of the quarter and should specify the exact dates the student will miss. The instructor and student will then identify the specific reasonable accommodations for the missed class sessions. Student conduct expectations Guidelines for interacting with other students ["netiquette"]: The Whatcom Community College Netiquette Statement states that students participating in WCC's online courses agree to interact with others in a positive, cooperative and supportive manner and display respect for the privacy and rights of others. This statement is inclusive of, but not limited to the following guidelines: Be courteous about what you say to or about others in any electronic format. In electronic communication, the golden rule is, "Remember the Human"; there is a real person with real feelings on the receiving end of your post. Be respectful and open to opinions and ideas that differ from yours. The exchange of diverse thoughts, ideas, and opinions are an essential part of the scholarly environment. Keep in mind that the people in your classes may come from backgrounds and have views that may vary significantly from your own. Flaming is not appropriate under any circumstances. While everyone (learners and instructors alike) is encouraged to share ideas and opinions openly, you should never use insults or resort to name-calling even if you disagree strongly with what someone else has written. Insulting remarks and name-calling are never appropriate in an academic setting. Flaming is the posting of messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting in an online social context. When responding to messages or posts made by others, address the ideas, not the person. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without social cues, such as facial expressions and body language, a remark meant as humorous could come across hurtful or offensive. Don't assume that the use of emoticons, such as :-) are enough to convey your tone or intent. Capitalizing whole words is generally seen as SHOUTING and is often offensive to the reader. Use all capital letters sparingly, such as to highlight a meaningful word or point. The best way to learn a language is to USE that language. For that reason, please use English-only in this class in speaking and writing online. It is also a show of respect for your classmates who do not share your language. Guidelines for contacting your instructor In-person office hours can be found at the top of this syllabus and on the front page of Canvas. I can also meet with you online by arrangement. Responses to emailed questions will be made as quickly as possible, usually within 8-12 hours or less during working. Please remember that my role as your instructor is to support your learning and success. Don’t be afraid ask if you have any questions or need help. Plagiarism In the U.S., the act of copying the work of another person without giving the person credit for being the creator of that work is a very serious offense. Plagiarism is punished at colleges and universities; sometimes students who plagiarize fail the assignment, sometimes they fail the course, and sometimes they are expelled from school. You are expected in this course to write using your own English. If you plagiarize in any of your writing assignments in this class, you may fail the assignment. Technology requirements Please ensure you have regular access to a desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection to complete coursework. High-speed broadband access (LAN, Cable, or DSL) is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience. The College has numerous computer labs and a library with computers that may be used to complete coursework. Also, laptops can be checked out for the quarter using this device checkout formLinks to an external site.. While tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices may allow for completion of some coursework, they are not guaranteed to work in all areas. For example, it is recommended students do not attempt quizzes on Canvas when using a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, due to compatibility issues. Web browser: Please use Firefox or Chrome as your web browser when you use Canvas. You can also find links to Canvas instructions on the ESLA 91 Canvas page. Student support services WCC communicates with students via their WCC issued student emailLinks to an external site.. Students can check email by logging into their MyWCC accountLinks to an external site.. WCC is committed to supporting the academic success of all its students. The College has adopted a proactive early alertLinks to an external site. referral system, which is a collaborative, student-centered program involving faculty, advisors and students. The early alert referral system is a tool for faculty to identify students who are experiencing academic or attendance difficulties during the first few weeks of each quarter. Students who receive an alert will be contacted by someone on the early alert student success team to direct them to appropriate next steps and resources for success. As your instructor, I also encourage you to contact me if you receive an alert so we can discuss options for helping you to be successful in this course and at WCC. The learning center, writing center, and math centerLinks to an external site. offer free virtual tutoring and writing support. The student helpdeskLinks to an external site. is available for technical assistance and device checkout. Academic advising and career servicesLinks to an external site. offers in-person, phone and zoom appointments. Please call 360-383-3080 for assistance connecting with your advisor. WCC's virtual libraryLinks to an external site. is open and librarians are available to assist you. The intercultural centerLinks to an external site. welcomes all students looking for community, connections, and engagement. The veteran services officeLinks to an external site. offers support to veterans, service members, and eligible dependents to help them accomplish their educational goals. Student success coaching through AIMLinks to an external site. provides ongoing personalized advising, coaching, mentoring, and more to students who meet one of the following criteria: You identify as a person of color; neither of your parents earned a bachelor's degree; you received a Pell/state need grant as part of your financial aid award; you started in Math 94, Math 97, or English 95; or you have a documented disability and registered with WCC's access and disability services. Sign up to receive text and email notificationsLinks to an external site. about college closures due to inclement weather or any other unforeseen circumstances. You can also find out about closures on your MyWCC pageLinks to an external site. and WCC's websiteLinks to an external site., or by calling 360.383.3000. If the College is open, you should always base your decision on whether or not to attend class on what is safest or best for you.
Whatcom Community College ESOL 093シラバス 上級スピーキング&リスニング 2024年春 教員 クラス 名前:Kirsten Lutes セクション:34828、34829、34830 Eメール:klutes@whatcom.edu 場所:ケリーホール 210教室 オフィス電話:(360)383-3792(留守番電話のみ) 曜日/時間:火/木、12:00-12:50 オフィスの場所:カスケードホール 149号室 開始日:2024年4月2日 オフィス時間:木曜日11:00-12:00 終了日:2024年6月14日 コース 単位数:2 前提条件:なし 共同受講条件:なし 推奨事前準備:なし 必要な準備:講師の許可。 AAS学位の要件:プレカレッジコース 追加要件の履修:なし テキスト: 必要なものはありません。資料は講師から提供されます。 その他のリソース: コンピュータへのアクセス Canvasへのアクセス MS Wordへのアクセス 英語-英語辞書へのアクセス コースの説明:このコースは、ESOL学生に、大学レベルの授業グループディスカッションに積極的に参加するための人間関係のスキルを教えることを目的としています。また、大学の講義授業で成功するために必要なリスニングスキルも教えられます。 コースの成果:このコースを成功裏に修了すると、それぞれの学生は次のことができるはずです... 理解可能な回答をボランティアで提供する。 説明を求める。 フォローアップの質問をする。 意見/アイデアを理由/詳細とともに表現する。 他の人を適切に中断する。 他の人が説明を求めるときに情報を言い換える。 コアラーニング能力:WCCのコアラーニング能力(CLA)- コミュニケーション、情報リテラシー、数量的推論、社会正義、思考 - は、カリキュラム全体で教えられ、強化される包括的なスキルです。これらのスキルは、学生の専門的および個人的な生活に不可欠です。このコースでは、これらのコアラーニング能力の1つ以上を練習し、発展させる機会が提供されます。 コース形式 標準 - このクラスは対面で行われます。授業外で私に連絡を取る最善の方法は、電子メールまたはCanvasメッセージです。また、オフィス時間に参加するか、私との面談の予約をすることもできます。 コースの要件と方針 採点: これは合格/不合格のクラスです。成績は「S」(合格)または「U」(不合格)です クラス。平均成績が70%以上である必要があります。成績は以下のように計算されます。 参加ポイントを獲得するには、クラスに出席し、アクティブであり、クラス中のすべての活動に参加する意志を示さなければなりません。 参加 50% 出席 50% 参加: 参加ポイントを獲得するには、クラス中のすべての活動に参加する意志を示さなければなりません。 クラスで学んだ口頭スキルの簡単なデモンストレーションやプレゼンテーションによる評価の機会もあります。 出席: 出席はこのコースでの成功に非常に重要です。これが最終成績の半分です。出席はクラスの最初の数分で取られます。クラス開始後5分以上遅れると、「遅刻」としてカウントされます。3回の「遅刻」は1回の欠席に相当します。 緊急事態や重症の病気のために欠席する必要がある場合は、授業開始前にその理由を説明する電子メールを講師に送信してください。 1セッションで4回以上欠席すると、コースに合格できなくなる場合があります。 遅れた宿題: 遅れた課題は、手配によって受け付けられる場合があります。 学生機器のチェックアウト 学生は、このデバイスチェックアウトフォームを使用して、四半期中にラップトップを借りることができます。