Lithuanian art: theatre, cinema, art, photography (for foreigners)
Lithuanian art: theatre, cinema, art, photography (for foreigners)
Lithuanian art: theatre, cinema, art, photography (for foreigners)
リトアニアの芸術: 劇、絵画、写真
【目的】 リトアニアの現代アートの歴史的・文化的背景を基に、知識を得る。 【内容】 ①リトアニアが独立してから最初の演劇 ②リトアニア映画の歴史的背景・文化的背景 ③リトアニアの現代アート ④リトアニアの写真家 【評価】 中間テスト30%、筆記課題20%、期末テスト50% 【参考書】 1. Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė J. 1970– 1979: The Phenomenon of The Lithuanian School of Photography" 2. Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė J. 1980- 1989: The Conceptualization of Photography 3. Mažeikienė R. The Revitalization of Popular Theatre Forms in Contemporary Performance: The Case of Post-Soviet Lithuanian Theatre 4. Staniškytė J. Between (in)Visible Influences and (Im)Pure Traditions: Hybrid Character of the Postdramatic in Lithuanian Theatre 5. Klivis K. Mimic Realities: The Construction of Popular Identity in Contemporary Lithuanian Film. 6. Grigoravičienė E. A Short Introduction to the History of Lithuanian Painting. 7. Grigoravičienė E. New Art of the Late Twentieth Century