Thực Hành Tiếng Việt A2
Thực Hành Tiếng Việt A2
Thuc Hanh Tieng Viet A2
o understand Vietnamese and output what they have learned, the purpose is to deepen their understanding. Using the textbook Thực Hành Tiếng Việt Trình Độ A2, Students will learn grammar, listening, writing, reading, speaking, and summarizing by area for each day of the week. Students can deeply their understanding and learn practical lessons by outputting what students have learned through questions and conversations along the way. Students will be evaluated through a total of three tests: one test on writing, reading, and listening at the beginning of November, and two tests on speaking, writing, reading, and listening at the final class.
ベトナム語を理解し、学んだ事をアウトプットさせる事で、より理解を深める目的がある。 Thực Hành Tiếng Việt Trình Độ A2というテキストを利用して曜日ごとに文法、リスニング、ライティング、リーディング、スピーキングとまとめと分野別に学ぶ。途中で質問や会話を通じた、学んだ事をアウトプットする事でより理解を深めたり、実践的な授業を学ぶ事ができる。11月の初めにライティング、リーディング、リスニングの1回、授業最終回にスピーキングとライティング、リーディング、リスニングの2回をまとめた計3回のテストで評価する。
ベトナム語学部 留学生用クラス