과목 설명(Course Description)
This course is a continuation course of 'Intermediate Korean Courses'. Therefore, this course will be taught to students who either have taken 'Intermediate Korean Courses' or have the equivalent knowledge.
The aim of this course is to provide students with a foundation of Korean grammar, vocabulary, and various sentence structures to understand and use the Korean language and culture clearly and deeply.
학습 목표(Lcaming Objcctives)
Students are expected
1. To be able to communicate fluently with native speakers of the Korean language in their lives.
2. To be able to understand Korean in academic or official contexts.
3. To be able to express in everyday social situations in Korean society.
수업 자료(Textbook/Re ference)
사랑해요 한국어
학습 평가 방법(Student Assessment)
출결(Attendancc) 10%
참여도/태도(Participation/Attitude) 20%
중간시험(Mid-term Exam) 30%
기말시험(Final Exam) 30%
과제(Assignment) 10%