수업개요 UE: Global Issues and Creative Expressions (Advanced) focuses on helping students enhance language proficiency and critical thinking skills by engaging with global issues through various forms of media. Through in-depth discussions, through debates, presentations, and writing exercises, they will explore and analyze contemporary global challenges, expressing their perspectives with linguistic precision and creativity.
수업목표 University English Objectives:
1) Develop Proficiency in Academic Writing: this means enhancing fundamental writing skills, including grammar, syntax, and punctuation, and cultivating an understanding of academic language and style. It also means mastering the art of constructing clear, concise, and well-organized academic essays.
2) Acquire Research and Information Literacy: this means learning effective research methods, including the use of online databases and academic sources, developing skills in evaluating the credibility of sources, and understanding how to incorporate research seamlessly into written assignments.
3) Strengthen Critical Thinking and Analysis: this means fostering the ability to analyze and critically evaluate complex ideas and arguments, and developing your capacity to engage with diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
4) Refine Presentation Skills: develop oral communication skills for effective academic presentations. You will practice presenting information clearly and persuasively to an audience (your classmates and me!).
5) Integrate Technology for Academic Writing: explore and utilize digital tools for research, drafting, and editing.
6) Enhance Cross-Cultural Communication Skills: develop an awareness of cultural nuances in language and communication, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with an audience that has many different perspectives.
Text Book : University Success with MyEnglishLab
평가항목 평가비율(%) 추 가 설 명
중간고사 25% Timed exam based on the first 8 weeks of classwork.
기말고사 25% Timed short-essay writing exam. (graded)
과제보고서 15% Some will be based on MyEnglishLab exercises from the textbook.
발표 20% Presentation project will be group or partner work.
출석 10% Late, you will lose 0.5 point. You lose 1% for each absence.
Automatic F for 33% absences.
Documents must be official to be acceptable for a valid absence. For example. an OFFICIAL doctor's note is acceptable, a prescription from a pharmacy or a hospital visit receipt is not. A letter from your major professor can also be accepted for valid reasons - attendance at certain events, etc.
기타 5% You do not receive 100% of participation marks for mere attendance, you must be prepared and participate in class (i.e., homework/assignment/discussion). You will receive participation points for volunteering in class, but participation points will be
lowered by disruptive behavior (talking, texting, etc.).
1주 9/2 ~ 9/8 SOCIOLOGY: The Research Writing Process
“Write thesis statement and develop an outline”
SOCIOLOGY: The Research Writing Process
“Annotated Bibliography”
2주 9/9 ~ 9/15 ECONOMICS: Idea Development
“Research Ideas” & “Summarize texts and incorporate summaries”
ECONOMICS: Idea Development
“Summarize texts and incorporate summaries” & “Reported speech”
3주 9/16 ~ 9/22 ECONOMICS: Idea Development “Essay Outline” Writing Assignment (in-class)
Peer-editing & discussion classwork (in-class)
4주 9/23 ~ 9/29 BIOLOGY: Extended Writing
“Create coherence and cohesion”
BIOLOGY: Extended Writing
“Revising Writing” Revision Checklist review
5주 9/30 ~ 10/6 BIOLOGY: Extended Writing
Reverse Outline Activity (in-class)
HUMANITIES: Rhetorical Context
“Making stylistic choices” & “Control voice and tone”
6주 10/7 ~ 10/13 HUMANITIES: Rhetorical Context
“Analyzing the rhetorical context”
“Examine sentence structure and subject-verb agreement”
7주 10/14 ~ 10/20 SOCIOLOGY: Fact and Opinion
“Support claims with facts and opinions”
SOCIOLOGY: Fact and Opinion
“Distinguish facts and opinions and make claims”
8주 10/21 ~ 10/27 Review
9주 10/28 ~ 11/3 Presentation Project Introduction
Option: students can choose a topic from textbook readings in Sociology, Economics,
Biology, Humanities/Literature, Environmental Engineering
Review organization of presentation (& grading rubric)
10주 11/4 ~ 11/10 Review presentation tips and guidelines
In-class preparation work
Review short TED or Ignite presentation
In-class preparation work
11주 11/11 ~ 11/17 Review tips on voice inflection and body language
In-class preparation work
give feedback on student presentation outline/scripts
12주 11/18 ~ 11/24 Presentations begin
Presentations finish
13주 11/25 ~ 12/1 ECONOMICS: Reading Critically for Effective Writing
“Integrate sources to provide evidence”
ECONOMICS: Reading Critically for Effective Writing
“Using direct quotations and reported speech”
14주 12/2 ~ 12/8 BIOLOGY: Process Writing “Explain a procedure”
AND BIOLOGY: Process Writing “Formulate a hypothesis”
no class on June 6th for Memorial Day
15주 12/9 ~ 12/15 HUMANITIES: Descriptive Writing
“Explore figurative language” “Appeal to the senses”
HUMANITIES: Descriptive Writing
Review (review students’ understanding of opinion, process, and descriptive writing)
“Analyze descriptive writing”
16주 12/16 ~ 12/22 Final exam
안내사항 UE: Speech and Academic Writing (Intermediate) focuses on communicative competence. Students develop and
enhance their skills to express their own thoughts and perspectives in oral and written texts. They engage in discussions
on various topics, presentations, and academic writings and enhance their communication skills in English and critical
Note that this is a relative evaluation class, so pay attention to the grading scale.
Grading Scale
A+: 97-100
A: 94-96
A-: 90-93
B+: 87-89
B: 84-86
B-: 80-83
C+: 77-79
C: 74-76
C-: 70-73
D+: 67-69
D: 64-66
D-: 57-63
F: 0-56