Understand the skills, behaviours and attitudes required to work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds, and develop practical strategies to interpret difference and respond appropriately in culturally diverse situations. Our increasingly globalised workplaces need graduates with awareness, understanding, sensitivity to, and an ability to deal with cultural diversity. The knowledge and skills developed in this unit are particularly valuable for a range of international exchange students: those planning an outbound program and those already inbound, for shorter programs or full degrees at QUT. Students with an interest in intercultural communication and those who are learning or have learned a second language will also benefit from this unit.
Lesson content for each week:
1 Introduction to Culture – Key Management Points + Understanding the Importance of Cultural Intelligence (CQ)
2 Globalization, identity and recognition
3 Cultural intelligence and self-reflection
4 Discussion about evaluation item 1
5 Preparation for interim report
6 Cultural framework
7 Cultural Intelligence Theory
8 Oral communication
9 Nonverbal cues for communication
10 Dynamics of Culturally Diverse Teams
11 Discussion about evaluation item 2
12th Holiday (Cultural Change – Lectures available online)
13 Culture, Communication and Conflict
14 Leverage CQ features and LinkedIn profiles
15 Preparation for term-end report
Textbook: None (slides created by the teacher + various papers)
Grading method: Interim report 40% / Final report 60%