CMST220 Public Speaking
CMST220 Public Speaking
CMST220 Public Speaking
OVERVIEW OF ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING Presentation 1 (100 points) • Demonstration speech • Outline • Self-Assessment • Oral and written feedback Presentation 2 (145 points) • Expository with Research • Outline with MLA or APA sources • Self-Assessment • Oral and written feedback Presentation 3 (50 points) • Inspirational or Motivational Team Persuasive Presentation (240 points; equivalent of final exam) • Teamwork • Persuasive with Research • Outline with MLA or APA sources • Self-Assessment • Oral and written feedback Other Activities • Critical Listening Essay • Miscellaneous activities Points 75 15 05 05 100 25 10 10 50 30 150 25 15 15 approx. 25 70 - 100 Total possible points: approx. 645 pts. There will be occasional extra credit opportunities throughout the course. Extra credit will be added after all other points have been compiled, and you must have a C- (70%) or better for extra credit points to be applied. Extra Credit activities are to enhance your learning, not to salvage a low grade. Points Needed Percentage Letter Grade 93 - 100% A- 600 - 645 581 - 599 90 - 92 % B+ 561 - 580 87 - 89 % 83 - 86 % B 535 - 560 B- 516 - 534 80 - 82 % 497 - 515 77 - 79 % C+ 471 - 496 73 - 76% C 452 - 470 70 - 72 % C- Below C-: Do you really want to know? -
火曜、木曜日 1:30〜3:50 プレゼンテーションを行いそれを先生が評価する。 宿題もあり、それも評価対象 教科書もある。(先生の作ったもの)