Public Policy Process
Public Policy Process
Public Policy Process
▼Description This course aims to study main features of public policy process and basic constituent elements of that process (actors, tools, content and outputs/outcomes). All stages of public policy process – addenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation and monitoring are discussed in depth. Students are also taught to compare configurations of policy process in different fields of public policy and in different countries. ▼Aim of the course To study the main features of public policy process, its actors and stages and to compare public policy process in different political systems. Prerequisites ▼Course content Concept of public policy process. Public policy and its contexts. Goals, tools actors and resources of public policy. Programs and projects in public policy. Outputs and outcomes of public policy. Problems of public policy and its identification and solutions. Public policy decision-making. Evidence-based public policy. ▼Assesment Criteria Main conceptions of public policy and their comparisons. Enumeration and characteristics of main phases, actors, tools, resources and results of the public policy process. Definitions of public policy problems in a given fields of public policy. Evaluations of interconnections between the public policy actors, available policy tools and resources, public policy outputs and outcomes. Comparisons of configurations of public policy process in various countries.
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▼内容 このコースでは、公共政策プロセスの主な特徴と、その基本的な構成要素(アクター、手段、内容、成果・結果)について学ぶことを目的とする。公共政策プロセスのすべての段階(アジェンダ設定、政策立案、政策採択、政策実施、モニタリング)について深く議論する。また、公共政策の異なる分野や異なる国における政策プロセスの構成比較についても学ぶ。 ▼コースの目的 公共政策プロセスの主な特徴、主体、段階を学び、異なる政治体制における公共政策プロセスを比較する。 ▼コースの内容 ・公共政策プロセスの概念、・公共政策とその目標、手段、資源、・公共政策のプログラムとプロジェクト、・公共政策のアウトプットと成果、・公共政策の問題点およびその特定と解決策、・公共政策の意思決定、・エビデンスに基づく公共政策 ▼評価基準 公共政策の主な概念とその比較。公共政策プロセスの主な段階、手段、資源、結果の列挙と特徴。公共政策の特定分野における公共政策問題の定義。公共政策のアクター、利用可能な政策手段や資源、公共政策の成果や結果の相互関係の評価。各国の公共政策プロセスの構成の比較。
Political Science Facility