Learning and Development in Theory and Practice
Learning and Development in Theory and Practice
Learning and Development in Theory and Practice
1. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the course of study the student • understands the characteristics of key theories of learning and development • can apply theories of learning and development to the planning and implementation of various learning and teaching situations • understands the starting points and needs of learning for people of different ages CONTENT • theories of learning and developmental from different perspectives and approaches • learning as both an individual and collaborative phenomenon at different age stages • applying theories of learning and development to practice 2.no information given 3.no information given 4. final presentation and paper
1.学習成果 学習コース終了後、学生は ・学習と発達の主要理論の特徴を理解する ・学習と発達の理論を、さまざまな学習と教育の状況の計画と実践に適用できる ・さまざまな年齢の人々にとっての学習の出発点とニーズを理解する コンテンツ ・さまざまな視点とアプローチからの学習と発達の理論 ・異なる年齢段階における個人的かつ共同的な現象としての学習 ・学習と発達の理論を実践に応用する 2.情報なし 3.情報なし 4.最終プレゼンとレポート