Description of the module
The central theme of the module will be an examination of Britishness: what it is and how it has developed over time. The module will examine British culture at the local level (The Potteries and regional dialects), the national level (the political system and the monarchy) and the international level (Britain's place in the world).
Organisation of teaching sessions
Classes take place on campus for a single, two-hour session every week. Topics include:
Defining Britishness
The Celtic nations
The Potteries
British dialects and languages
The Great British Pub
The Monarchy and the British political system
British Youth Sub-culture
Britain’s Creative Contributions
Class System
Britain and the World
Attendance requirements
You are expected to attend all scheduled teaching activities. Please note the University does not have reading weeks.
Aims and outcomes
Module aims
To develop awareness of a variety of aspects of British culture
To develop self-confidence in dealing with various aspects of British culture
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this module will be able to:
1 demonstrate a critical awareness of a variety of aspects of British culture
2 reflect upon the differences they identify between British culture and their home culture
3 reflect upon the norms and values of a variety of social groups
Assessment 1 – Reflective Journal
Assessment 2 – Video Project
Note: Materials are provided on the KLE.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) - as a Keele student you have access to BoB. This resource contains hundreds of television and radio programmes which are available to you for free. There will be a list of programmes at the end of each class, related to the material covered.
Keele University Referencing Guide – links to Cite Them Right and RefWorks