Course Description
The main objective of EAP 3000 Reading and Writing is to refine the academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that will be needed for first-year university classes. In this course, you will sharpen your research, academic writing, referencing, presentation, discussion, note-taking and critical thinking skills at an advanced level. EAP 3000 Reading and Writing is part of the EAP Bridging Program. The Bridging Program helps you prepare for university by combining full-time EAP study with a 3 credit-hour academic credit course. You will receive support for your credit course study while in the Bridging Program. This credit course can be used towards completion of any undergraduate degree. After completing the Bridging Program, you will
be allowed to begin full-time study in your academic program without the need to write an official language proficiency test.
Required Textbook and Practice: Q-Skills 5 Reading and Writing (3e); iQ Online Practice (3e)
Assessment Schedule
Vocabulary Tasks (4) 5%
Skills Assessments (2) 20%
Critical Reading Tests (2) 20%
In-Class Writing Assignments (4) 20%
Major Writing Assignments (2) 15%
Final Exam 20%
90 - 100 A+
Outstanding performance, demonstrating complete and comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter, concepts, skills and application.
85-89 A
Excellent performance, indicating a superior grasp of subject matter and
concepts; development of relevant skills and application to a high level.
80-84 A-
77-79 B+
Good performance, indicating general understanding of subject matter and concepts; development of relevant skills and application to a
moderate level.
73-76 B
65-72 C+ to B-
Approaching the minimum adequate performance in course