English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language
Course Description: This course aims to help you develop and refine English skills that help you succeed academically, in this class, and in others. In this class, there will be a focus on fluency and accuracy in academic English, with an emphasis on academic listening and speaking skills and critical fundamental reading and writing skills. The theme of language will be present throughout the course; in addition to completing tasks that help you refine your language skills, we will think critically about how language intersects with you, culture, gender, power, and other domains. When you finish this class, you will be able to communicate your ideas more effectively in written and spoken English and feel more confident in your fluency and accuracy in English. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, you will be able to: give presentations on a variety of topics, using different modalities. apply writing and speaking processes and strategies discussed in class. effectively synthesize and integrate sources into presentations and written assignments. speak more confidently and clearly during presentations and in-class discussions. demonstrate improvement in fluency and accuracy in spoken and written English. confidently summarize, paraphrase, and reflect on spoken and written content. Course Materials: Purchase the Textbooks: Reinhart, S.M. (2013). Giving Academic Presentations. University of Michigan. Paper/Notebook or Laptop/Tablet for notes Calendar to keep track of coursework Criteria for Evaluation Assignment Percentage of Grade Speaking Tasks 35% Intro (partner presentation) (5%) Process (group, video) (5%) Concept (poster presentation) (10%) Discussion Leader (5%) Problem/Solution (3MT) (10%) Writing Response Tasks (5, 4% each ) 20% Academic Professionalism (discussion, participation, HW) 15% Quizzes (2, 5% each) 10% Exams (Midterm and Final, 10% each) 20% 100%
①【授業の目的】 英語の流暢さと正確性を向上させる。アカデミックなリスニングとスピーキングのスキルを向上させる。様々なトピックのプレゼンができるようになる。 ②【各回の授業の内容・計画】 プレゼンテーション、教科書についてのディスカッション ③【テキスト・参考書】 Giving Academic Presentation ④【成績評価の方法】 パートナープレゼンテーション ポスタープレゼンテーション ディスカッション ライティング クイズ など