The Science Of Water
The Science Of Water
The Science of Water
THEA 103_01: Somatics, Body and Theatre Spring 2025 Course Syllabus Class Days / Times: T/Th 1:45pm-3:20pm Faculty: Cindy Hartigan, MFA Email: clhartigan@noctrl.edu Office Hours by appointment only COURSE DESCRIPTION Somatics is a field within bodywork and movement studies that emphasizes internal physical perception and experience. This course is designed to introduce, explore, and educate students on somatic movement practices. This course will combine movement exploration, meditation, and journaling to further explore and engage in a variety of somatic practices. Students will also identify affinities and aversions in order to develop their own somatic practice for use beyond this course. Materials provided by Instructor and will be pulled from various sources, including (but not limited to): ● Writing and the Body in Motion: Awakening Voice through Somatic Practice by Cheryl Pallant ● Freeing Emotions and Energy Through Myofascial Release by Noah Karrasch ● The Body of Life; Creating New Pathways for Sensory Awareness and Fluid Movement by Thomas Hanna COURSE OBJECTIVES • To gain knowledge of somatic practices • To enhance your individual internal physical perception and experience • To experience various approaches to somatic practice • To execute exercises at a proficient level with clarity and confidence • To begin to develop autonomy that allows students to develop their own somatic practice EVALUATION Attendance 20% (100 points) and Participation 20% of Grade (100 points) Attending class on time and on a regular basis. Participation in class through movement and discussion. Attending class does not guarantee participation points for the day. Participation is based not only on attendance, but also on involvement and effort in class. Journal 20% of Grade (100 points) Journal entries will be made daily in class with some entries required outside of class. Entries will be reflections of exercises done in class and responses to the handouts and materials provided for this course. Research Paper 20% of Grade (100 points) Select a topic or methodology in somatic practice that you are interested in exploring further. Through in-class and personal experience as well as outside research, complete a research paper on the topic or methodology. General Criteria: ● 1200 word MAX ● Double-spaced, APA formatting ● Complete fulfillment of topic, clarity, and cohesion of content ● Sense of autonomy that reflects internal physical perception and experience. ● Accurate spelling, grammar, and format along with proper references and citations (at least 3 sources) Somatic Presentation (Final) 20% of Grade (100 points) Design your own somatic practice based on your coursework, research and experience. Open Outline. You will present and lead the class through your exercise. At least 20 minutes in length (not to exceed 30 min)
①【授業の目的】 水が地球に与える影響、水の循環、5大湖の歴史、湿地の重要性、資源としての水の役割を説明できるようになる ②【各回の授業の内容・計画】 ディスカッション、映像視聴 ③【テキスト・参考書】 Fresh Water, The Death and Life of the Great Lakes ④【成績評価の方法】 出席態度 60点 リフレクションペーパー 80点 水に関するニュース 80点 見学レフレクションペーパー60点 公共施設でのインタビュー 100点 リサーチペーパーの文献 20点 最終プロジェクト 80点