Writing Fiction
Writing Fiction
Writing Fiction
introductory statement and overview of module content Writing fiction makes for better readers and reading fiction makes for better writers. This module is designed to establish a bridge between the reading and writing of literature by introducing you to different ideas about fiction through the practice of writing it. Arranged around five key headings (Character, Voice, Setting, Form, and Language), ENG-10044 Writing Fiction will invite you to think creatively about your own and others’ writing and reflect critically on how writing achieves its ends. It allows you to explore and reflect on formal and technical aspects of fiction and share the sometimes difficult experiences of writing creatively Module summary Level of study Level 4 Credit value 15 Credits Semester(s) of delivery Semester 1 Host School Humanities Who is the programme for? Single Honours Creative Writing English Literature and Creative Writing Film Studies and Creative Writing Module type Compulsory / Optional / Global Challenge Pathway Pre-requisites None READING LIST Required Reading: this required reading needs to done in advance of the lectures andreading groups in weeks three, five, seven, nine and eleven. Make sure that you obtain a copy of The Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Short Story, edited by Philip Hensher – BEFORE your classes start. If possible, buy it sothat you can annotate it, but if not, then borrow a copy from the Keele library.
ENG-10044 Module Handbook (1).docx
この授業は書き手と文学の橋となって、小説を書くにあたって五つののキーポイント(キャラクター、個人のスタイル、設定、フォームと言語)に基づいて、自分の作品と他人の作品を振替しづつ、本当の創造的作品を理解しています。 15単位 人文学部 教科書は先生からコピーや図書館で見つかります。 成績評価 課題1 60% 1000-1500語 作品集 五つの短編小説/一つの長編小説 課題2 40% 500語 自分の作品の分析
Single Honours Creative Writing English Literature and Creative Writing Film Studies and Creative Writing