The course explores Canada’s geography, its history, and its peoples. Students will learn about the people who lived on this beautiful land, and hear diverse perspectives on some of the accomplishments of this country and the challenges it faces. Students will learn about, reflect upon, and analyze Canadian issues, their roots, their meaning today, and their influence on our future.
Week 1: Introduction and Canadian Identity
- Topics: Canada overview, Canadian symbols, and identity
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss Canadian identity, recognize symbols and characteristics
Week 2: Geophysical Characteristics and the Canadian People
- Topics: Geography, regions, provinces, territories, and population
- Learning Outcomes: Label Canada's map, describe regional identities and cultures
Week 3: Brief History of Forming Canada
- Topics: History of Canada’s formation, British North America Act (1867)
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss Canada’s history, BNA Act, and early immigration
- Assessments: Quiz 1 (3%)
Week 4: Canadian Government and Politics
- Topics: Canada’s parliamentary system, government levels, political parties
- Learning Outcomes: Outline government structure, explain electoral system
- Assessments: Quiz 2 (3%), Assignment 1 (15%)
Week 5: Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Topics: Constitution Act, 1982, Charter of Rights, judicial system
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss the Constitution and its impact on Canada
- Assessments: Discussion 1 (5%)
Week 6: Canadian Economy and Unions
- Topics: Economy, unions, and collective bargaining
- Learning Outcomes: Identify key industries and the impact of unions
- Assessments: Quiz 3 (3%)
Week 7: Test 1 (20%)
- Topics: Weeks 1-6 content
- Assessments: Test (Multiple Choice, True/False, Short/Long Answer)
Week 8: Indigenous Peoples of Canada
- Topics: First Nations, Metis, Inuit, culture, and treaties
- Learning Outcomes: Explore Indigenous culture and land claim issues
- Assessments: None
Week 9: The Indian Act and Reconciliation
- Topics: The Indian Act, reconciliation process
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss the Indian Act and social changes for Indigenous peoples
- Assessments: Quiz 4 (3%)
Week 10: Modern Quebec
- Topics: French-English relations, Quebec nationalism
- Learning Outcomes: Explore Quebec’s political history and contemporary issues
- Assessments: Discussion 2 (5%)
Week 11: Immigration and Multiculturalism
- Topics: Immigration, multiculturalism policies
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss immigration patterns and multiculturalism impact
- Assessments: Quiz 5 (3%), Assignment 2 (15%)
Week 12: Social, Cultural, and Environmental Issues
- Topics: Human rights, women's rights, climate change
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss human rights and Canada’s environmental policies
- Assessments: None
Week 13: Social, Cultural, and Environmental Issues (continued)
- Topics: Education, healthcare, social programs
- Learning Outcomes: Discuss education and healthcare policies
- Assessments: Discussion 3 (5%)
Week 14: Test 2 (20%)
- Topics: Weeks 8-13 content
- Assessments: Test (Multiple Choice, True/False, Short/Long Answer)
- **Unit Quizzes x 5**
- Weight: 15%
- Due Date in Weeks: Weeks 3, 4, 6, 9, 11
- **Assignments x 2**
- Weight: 30%
- Due Date in Weeks: Weeks 4, 11
- **Discussion Boards x 3**
- Weight: 15%
- Due Date in Weeks: Weeks 5, 10, 12
- **Test I**
- Weight: 20%
- Due Date in Weeks: Week 7
- **Test II**
- Weight: 20%
- Due Date in Weeks: Week 14
**Total**: 100%
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