Effective communication in English for business
Effective communication in English for business
Effective communication in English for business
Objective of this course To ensure a successful academic and professional career, you must be able to communicate clearly and effectively. In addition, organization of your thoughts and oral speeches is of primordial importance. This course has a general objective to develop the capacity to plan and develop the most common forms of business communication. Although the course is in English, many of the lessons learned can be translated into Spanish, as good communication is good communication in any language. First Monthly grades are calculated based on: •In-class participation - 20 points •Activity #1 - 10 points •Activity #2 - 15 points •Activity #3 - 15 points •Activity #4 - 15 points •Speech - 25 points
Effective communication in English for business.docx
授業の目的 学業上、および職業上で必須となるコミュニケーション能力の向上 自分の考えを口頭でのスピーチで表現する方法について学ぶ 最も一般的なビジネス・コミュニケーション能力を向上させる 各回の授業の内容・計画 不明 テキスト・参考書 なし 成績評価の方法 最初の月については毎週のアクティビティ、課題提出で評価される アクティビティ1 10点 アクティビティ2 15点 アクティビティ3 15点 アクティビティ4 15点 スピーティ 25点 それ以降は不明